"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Monday, May 3, 2010

Blood Lust

Forever trapped in the beauty of lust
The power of blood becomes a must
The grass never cries, the moon still does shine
Irgornent humans call it intertwine
Together their bodies act as a whole
Because the stronger takes over the soul
Slaving the human girl as just a toy
She thinks she's in love, what wondress joy
until he leaves to find his next victim
Broken, dead inside, she feels so very dumb
Although she still waits for him with the moon
And every night she lives with this, her doom
Her skin so pale white, Skin black as night
The scars remain to remeber each bite
She looks like the nightmare people now
All together at his will they bow
In remeberance the beauty of lust
The power of blood is still yet a must


Scar Girl said...

This is a beautifully written poem. I almost cried. But you are a very talented poet. How'd you find my blog?

MyLifeInShambles said...

Thanks! I was just looking thru Poets and found u

Scar Girl said...

Sweet! I'm not posting poems at the moment since I'm doing this 30 days thing but feel free to read all my past ones! Tell me what you think :)