"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Saturday, September 8, 2012

What if

What if I told you everything wasn't alright,
That this is a battle that I can not fight?
If I told you I couldn't get through the night,
Would you attempt to be my shinning light?
Do you see this pain, I feel like a lost kite. . .
Depression taking a never-ending flight,
That just keeps soaring out of sight!
Even this fake smile no longer looks bright,
When the knowledge of numbness isn't a fright!
What if I told you I'm tired of people being polite,
and being told trendy is my usual living dead white!
Do you even believe there is a chance to reunite,
Or is this just another pointless subject to write?
Have you noticed that the bracelets are seemingly tight,
And the crazy emotions has hit its all time height?
Do you miss the fire that together we ignite,
Will you please tell me I can set this right?