"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Friday, December 30, 2011


The serpent whispers in the wind once again
Comforting lies undermines to destruction 
Lust, addictions, the ways of the world
Conforming, Controlling while love is curled
Anger, Agony, Arrogance swell up among us
As mere humans continue to transgress
Drifting from love, patience and mercy
Deceived to believe they are unworthy
As the Fallen plot Armageddon  
Using the masses as a weapon
The Bible though will stand without falter
The followers remain unaltered
Triumph will ring through Heaven
After stomping Satan's oppression
For now it's time to choose your side
Carefully you shall pick your allied
For the war's future is laid out
Without so much a single doubt
The choice rest in your hands
And goes deeper than the lands
Eternal Love or Earthly Lust
A choice becomes a must
For if none thou are fallen too
With mockery of Satan's masses rule
Time is running short
Who do you support?