"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dear Bobby

Today hits harder than days before
As birthday wishes light up a page,
Wishes that barely hit the ceiling
Never less than reach up to heaven,
Where you fly with eagles and angels
You lead the band in glorious praise,
Another day you have prefect bliss
Selfish it would be to want you back
While you stay in the arms of Jesus,
But oh I miss your smile and that cape,  
My wish though is to make this amend
The one you will never get to hear
And the roses you will never receive,
To wait another day is too late
 I realize as I wipe the leaves away,
This grave marks the regret left inside
A lesson to learn as bridges burn,
Forgiveness lingers within your soul
Though too far away in heaven’s realm,
I hope you know of my compassion
As we wait to be reunited,
But for now you live in memory
With such cherished love from an old friend