"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Friday, October 22, 2010

Writer's Life

Write away the insanity
Or just let it simply be?
Let the pen release pain
For what is there to gain?
The paper is your art
And you can't be apart
Or suicide is to offer
Such lovely a dream walker!
Together as one
The madness is done
The only release
Strains you from peace!
A writer's life
Consist of strife

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

About Time


Hour glass running low
Almost time to go
Mute voice unheard
So choice is absurd
Please speak Now
Or take a bow
For the theater
With an act of sweetener
Back to reality
Truth be your affinity
Beware love can fade
It's time a choice is made
Hour glass running low
It's about time to go

Saturday, October 9, 2010

They Don't Own Me

At the edge ready to jump
On all their evil hearts
With their unclean desires
Crumble the dreams of all
In hopes of being set free
From the perfection they seek
Of this twisted soul of mine
This life I lead is double
Causing unneeded trouble
The chains begin to burn
And a choice has to come
The chains break under pressure
As I realize they don't own me

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Never Had

Rock skipping by the lake
Life passing by the date
Love starts to fall under first
Then comes the drowning clam
Followed by rocky health
Pulling down the lucky rock
Passion Becomes long lost
Is there such a thing called peace
Happiness falls in a whirlwind
Laughter brings these emotions together
For the enlightenment of the lake
I watch as it steals
Everything I never had

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lights Go Out

The lights go out
Heart begins to race
Fear gives out to panic
The end is here
A hand reaches out
removing the pain
"I'll Never leave you alone"
A smile reaches
the once devastated face
An unexpected embrace
helps hope mend
the heart's deadly scars
The lights are out
But love surrounds them ♥