"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Poem is not about New Moon

Waves crashing on the rocks
Drowning in the shallow end
Innocent bystanders on the docks
I hope not to offend
By the weakness that holds me
Bound to this fate by despair
No one willing to pay the fee
Selflessness becomes to rare
As i slowly slip away
On this bright and sunny day

Dear John Love

Bullets fly all around
Bodies begin to hit the ground
No chance for good-bye
No time to sit and cry
Sallow the pity and despair
As your heart begins to tear
For a place to call home
To not be solemnly alone
Miss the love ones far away
Dreaming of them everyday
Their the hope in your eye
The strength to go by and by
All that's left in this place
A friend's love is grace

Black Rose

Blacken Rose bleeding crimson
While thunder and lighting begin
Soaking that poor rose in sin
The darkest night will soon pass
Than greener can grow the grass
Reminding her why she is here
Shedding blood, sweat and fear
Rose refuses to fade away
Waiting for a brighter day
Wading in a new start
With a healing heart

Friday, July 15, 2011

Twisted View

Back from Basic...shit didn't work out
My depression really took a toll...
So I'm back for now
Which means you get a view into my Twisted Mind.....

My First Tattoo