"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Heaven or Hell, she could not decide
 So she was cast out from above
Losing all the gracious love
Love or Power, she could not decide
For she was so blind to the devil's lie
So to both, she had to say goodbye
Scream, Yell, Shout your worst
Show them the hate so dear to Satan
Hypocrite this wrath is your sin
Kick, Stab, Do your worst
Make your voice the only sound
So to this hate, she is bound
In the end, your the reason she hit the ground

Monday, November 14, 2011

Truth is

We avoid dying at any cost
As though it will never take place
But we know it all ends in fire or frost
Still we continue to live in a haste
As if next week will always come
As if one season always leads to another
Though we watch the death of a brother
Indulging in the grief of rum
We stumble around in a deep sleep
Unaware of natures comforting calm
Not caring of a soul that is deep
Losing the praise of every psalm
The truth is you learn to live as you die
When it's not so scary to say good-bye

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Facing Reality

Days were dark and cold
Nights consumed in agony without an end
There was no one around to hold
Alone my heart could not mend
There has to be more to existance
A purpose, A love, some reason
Maybe it's time to destroy fences
To accept the change of the season
Let winter be decimated by spring
Snow drowns in bright sun light
Healing begins in the angels wing
No more escape though in the fight
Exposed to all the frozen lies
Forced to say final good-byes  


Words spoke in a haste
For there is no time to waste
Don't be such an ignorant fool
Only the rich can actually rule