"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Monday, January 30, 2012

Keep Fighting

Your scars, yeah I've had them on my wrist
My life, yeah I wonder if it even exist
Those drugs, yeah they affected my brain
Those thought, yeah they made me insane

I also believed there was no solution
No hope for any type of revolution
I believed all reason was gone
So to all, I was withdrawn

Today, the scars have disappeared
Today, my life has become clear
Today, those drugs are a memory
Today, my thoughts aren't the enemy

Our life is a story in the writing
So please, just keep fighting


Anonymous said...

This is really good, I'm fighting with some of this stuff and sometimes I feel like just giving up. but those three words just keep fighting helped me a lot tonight. Thanks