"Don't Kiss me if your afraid of thunder. My life is a storm."

- Anita Krizzan

Saturday, July 17, 2010


These writings are a way of life
To make it through each painful night
Without having to use the knife
In this world it's always a fight
The pencil writes down all my pain
It's the very least to keep me sane


Manic said...

We are much alike in this respect. Some-one said to me recently 'no pain - no poetry' seems like a hell of a price to pay, but there's a lot of truth in what my friend said. You can't imagine heartache and loneliness, you must live it. Only then can you write it. No-one told me being a poet would cost so much. So as one poet to another I salute you. Only truth can ever be real poetry.

Scar Girl said...

This is true. Writing is my way of venting and dealing with pain.

Nicole McGrath said...

I have used this method of venting out my pain. It does work. However, I don't always know what to write, thus I don't always use a pen/pencil. sometimes a knife, for me, is a better choice...